Environmental and
Occupational Health Practice
The Environmental and Occupational Health Practice(EOH-P)is published by the Japan Society for Occupational Health. EOH-P welcoms papers from across the occupational health and allied areas. EOH-P primarily seeks to publish reports on knowledge gained through practice, which has important empirical value for occupational health. It also seeks to publish papers on environment issues.

Submission Available Now!!

The Environmental and Occupational Health PracticeEOH-Pwill be newly published in June 2019.   

We are currently seeking manuscripts concerning the following topics:

 Best Practices: Measures and initiatives with practical utility

Hazardous environments: Case report concerning the actual state of worker exposure to high concentrations of hazards and associated health effects

Immigrant workers

Issues concerning small and medium-sized enterprises

Labor-related health problems encountered in general clinical practice

Discussion of the development, utilization, and experiences with measurement scales and tools (including local settings)

Methodology papers

OSH-specialized videos and open data as supplementary files


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Journal Info

Online ISSN : 2434-4931
Review process
Average 46.14 days from submission to first decision
Average 120.95 days from submission to acceptance
Impact Factor (2019) : 0000